Our Aim

We are used to a linear conception of time: we leave the past, we live the present, we anticipate and we turn to the future. History appears as a display of events, a quotation of milestones and chronological dates – the end of an empire, the birth of a trend, the collapse of a system, the dominion of a conqueror. Sometimes though, when we study a word, an idea, a suggestion, another history emerges. This history crosses the time, unravels hidden stratification, invites to unprecedented synthesis, puts forward a new topography, indicates similar points among different epochs, searches for the indivisible kairos-time.

If for Italo Calvino “a classic book represents the whole universe, a book on a par with ancient talismans”, then in an analogous manner, tradition for us represents a whole universe and offers the value of the ancient relation anthropos-nature-metaphysics. The project “Traditions and Modernity” aims to feature the Orthodox Christian Tradition as a frame of reference in order to face the challenges of modern era. We should consider that while the eastern orthodox tradition incorporates the sensible, the experience, logic and analysis, it opens up new horizons by looking for the transcendent, the point where the “stated and the unstated” are entangled.

We mention indicatively the issues we will address:

Eros and Agape
From Plato to Saint Paul

The other
A study of otherness in the European thinking

Being and becoming
The implicit dialogue between Heraclitus, Saint Gregory Palamas and Heidegger

The One and the Unification

Scientific, philosophical and theological approaches

Apophatic truths
From orthodox theology to Gödel’s theorem

We will yield to the logic of technique? Who is going to provide meaning and direction to the technological process?

Searching for the soul of Europe
The different cultural traditions which form the body and the soul of Europe are approached as discordia concors

The Russian thinking in the beginning of the 20th century
V. Losky, S. Bulgakov, N. Berdyaev, J. Meyendorff

State-Society-Orthodox Church
From the middle ages to the modern era

Coexistence of traditional and modern

Report to the work of Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Pavel Florensky, Nicos-Gabriel Pentzikis, Zesimos Lorentzatos

Webpage design is inspired by Wassily Kandinsky’s painting “Squares with Concentric Circles”, 1913.